Pictures & News

Event pictures


Recent News and Upcoming Events

-Mack and Edward have commenced undergraduate research in biochemistry and medicinal chemistry (summer, 2024). Welcome!

-Congratulations to Dr. Mbaezue for successfully defending his Ph.D.

-Radina and Fuqing have commenced undergraduate research in medicinal chemistry and synthetic methodology (summer 2023). Welcome!

-Congratulations to Dr. Yuting Feng for successfully defending her Ph.D. and accepting a position as Research Scientist at Gilead Sciences.

-Congratulations to Dr. Guillermo Fernandez De Troconiz for receiving a CIHR-funded Chemical Biology Postdoctoral Fellowship.

-Congratulation to Dr. Yih-Shyan Lin (PhD, June 2014), who has returned to Taiwan to joined HO Pharma in Taipei as a Research Scientist.

-Congratulations to Dr. Yih-Shyan Lin who has successfully completed her Ph.D.

-Congratulations to Alexios Matralis for receiving a GRASP award.

-Congratulations to Weiling Chiu for receiving a BioNano CTPB Undergraduate Award.

-Congratulations to Cyrus for receiving a Graduate Excellence Fund Travel Award to attend the 97th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition in Vancouver, BC (June 1 – 5, 2014)

-Congratulations to Joris W. De Schutter who has been awarded the BAEF fellowship.

- Joris W. De Schutter has been accepted as a Post-Doctoral Fellow at MIT in the laboratory of Prof. Barbara Imperiali.

- Adrienne M. Langille has successfully completed her MSc and will be studying Dentistry at Dalhousie University.

Recent Graduations

Dr. Mbaezue after his graduation ceremony, with Prof. Tsantrizos, May 2024.
Celebrating with Dr. Feng after her successful PhD defense in 2022.
Cyrus Lacbay completed his PhD in 2017. Dr. Lacbay is currently a research scientist at Evonik Canada Inc., BC.
Joris W. De Schutter completed his PhD in June 2013. Dr. De Schutter is currently at Takeda Oncology, Boston.
Adrienne Langille completed her MSc in 2013. Adrienne is currently studying Dentistry at Dalhousie University.

Our people

Kevin bowling like a professional
Ifenna: vocals and guitar
Korean bbq
Christmas Dinner-2020
Stabilizing effect of a water molecule
Christmas Dinner-2018
Christmas Dinner-2017
ACS Boston-2015 Awards Dinner
We dine in style
Congratulations to Xiaojing Yang for graduating from Harvard University with Summa Cum Laude Honor. Xiaojing was one of top 50 students of the 2014 graduating class at Harvard.  Xiaojing has just joined Golden Sachs at Well Street in NYC. The proud dad (Dr. Xianshu Yang, PhD 2000, is Principal Scientist at Merck in Boston)
December 2, 2014 visit of the new Chemical Development facility at Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Congratulation to Adrienne Langille (MSc 2013) for the successful treatment of her first patient!
The Mancuso-McNamara family, summer 2014
CSC 2010, Toronto - Joris, Adrienne, and Yih-Shyan about to try green tea candy in Chinatown
CSC 2010, Toronto - Adrienne and Joris are eating green tea candy in Chinatown
Summer 2010 - Adrienne and Joris sitting in the Billiard Room at the Faculty Club
Christmas Party 2000 - Back - X.-S. Yang, J. Mancuso, M. Boyd, A. McLaury, L.D. Fader, F. Zhou; Front - J. Lunetta, X.-J. Xu