
Some details of the publications

  1. Taeok Kim, Fuqing Jin, Hatem M. Titi, and Youla S. Tsantrizos. Diastereoselective Synthesis of Phosphinyl Peptides via Rh-Catalyzed 1,4-Addition in Coparticipation of a P-Chiral Moiety and Difluorphos. J. Org. Chem. 2024
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  2. Ifenna Mbaezue, Shi-Guang Li, Angula C. S. Reddy, Hatem M. Titi, and Youla S. Tsantrizos. Solvent-Switchable Remote C–H Activation via 1,4-Palladium Migration Enables Site-Selective C–P Bond Formation: A Tool for the Synthesis of P-Chiral Phosphinyl Imidazoles. Org. Lett. 2024
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  3. Rebecca Boutin, Hiu-Fung Lee, Tian Lai Guan, Tan Trieu Nguyen, Xian Fang Huang, Daniel D. Waller, Jordan Lu, Iok In Christine Chio, René P. Michel, Michael Sebag, and Youla S. Tsantrizos. Discovery and Evaluation of C6-Substituted Pyrazolopyrimidine Based Bisphosphonate Inhibitors of the Human Geranylgeranyl Pyrophosphate Synthase and Evaluation of Their Antitumor Efficacy in Multiple Myeloma, Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma, and Colorectal Cancer. J. Med. Chem. 2023
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  4. Ifenna I. Mbaezue, Filip Topic and Youla S. Tsantrizos. Re-evaluation of P-Chiral, N-Phosphoryl Sulfonamide Brønsted Acids in the Asymmetric Synthesis of 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline-2-carboxylate Esters via Biomimetic Transfer Hydrogenation. Synlett 2023
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  5. Hiu-Fung Lee, Cyrus M. Lackbay, Rebecca Boutin, Alexios N. Matralis, Jaeok Park, Daniel D. Waller, Tian ai Guan, Michael Sebag, Youla S. Tsantrizos. Synthesis and Evaluation of Structurally Diverse C-2-Substituted Thienopyrimidine-Based Inhibitors of the Human Geranylgeranyl Pyrophosphate Synthase. J. Med. Chem 2022
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  6. Yuting Feng, Peter Viereck, Shi-Guang Li, Youla S. Tsantrizos. Rh(I)-catalyzed Asymmetric Transfer Hydrogenation of α-Enamidophosphonates to α-Aminophosphonates. Tetrahedron 2022
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  7. Yi He, Shi-Guang Li, Ifenna I. Mbaezue, Angula C. S. Reddy, Youla S. Tsantrizos. Copper-boryl mediated transfer hydrogenation of N-sulfonyl imines using methanol as the hydrogen donor. Tetrahedron 2021
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  8. Yuting Feng, Jaeok Park, Shi-Guang Li, Rebecca Boutin, Peter Viereck, Mathew A. Schilling, Albert M. Berghuis, Youla S. Tsantrizos. Chirality-Driven Mode of Binding of α‑Aminophosphonic Acid-Based Allosteric Inhibitors of the Human Farnesyl Pyrophosphate Synthase (hFPPS). J. Med. Chem. 2019( Read PDF...
  9. Minglei Yuan, Ifenna I. Mbaezue, Zhi Zhou, Filip Topic, Youla S. Tsantrizos. P-Chiral, N-phosphoryl sulfonamide Brønsted acids with an intramolecular hydrogen bond interaction that modulates organocatalysis. Org. Biomol. Chem. 2019( Read PDF...
  10. Shi-Guang Li, Minglei Yuan, Filip Topic, Zhengxu S. Han, Chris H. Senanayake, Youla S. Tsantrizos. Asymmetric Library Synthesis of P-Chiral t-Butyl-Substituted Secondary and Tertiary Phosphine Oxides. J. Org. Chem. 2019( Read PDF...
  11. Daniel D. Waller, Jaeok Park, Youla S.Tsantrizos. Inhibition of farnesyl pyrophosphate (FPP) and/or geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate (GGPP) biosynthesis and its implication in the treatment of cancers. Crit. Rev. Biochem. Mol. Bio. 2019( Read PDF...
  12. Alexios N. Matralisa, Dimitrios Xanthopoulosa, Geneviève Huot, Stéphane Lopes-Paciencia, Charles Cole, Hugo de Vries, Gerardo Ferbeyre, Youla S.Tsantrizos. Molecular tools that block maturation of the nuclear lamin A and decelerate cancer cell migration. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2018( Read PDF...
  13. Cyrus M. Lacbay, Daniel D. Waller, Jaeok Park, Mònica Gómez Palou, Félix Vincent, Xian Fang Huang, Viviane Ta, Albert M. Berghuis, Michael Sebag, and Youla S. Tsantrizos. Unraveling the Prenylation−Cancer Paradox in Multiple Myeloma with Novel Geranylgeranyl Pyrophosphate Synthase (GGPPS) Inhibitors. J. Med. Chem. 2018( Read PDF...
  14. Cyrus M. Lacbay, Michael Menni, Jean Bernatchez, Matthias Götte and Youla S. Tsantrizos Pharmacophore Requirements for HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors that Selectively “Freeze” the Pre-Translocation Complex During the Polymerization Catalytic Cycle. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2018, in press ( Read PDF...
  15. Pelleieux, S.; Picard, C.; Lamarre-Théroux, L.; Déa, D.; Leduc, V.; Tsantrizos, Y.S.; Poirier, J. Isoprenoids and tau pathology in sporadic Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Aging 2018, in press (doi:10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2018.01.012) Read PDF...
  16. Jaeok Park, Dmitry Rodionov, Joris W. De Schutter, Yih-Shyan Lin, Youla S. Tsantrizos, Albert M. Berghuis Crystallographic and Thermodynamic Characterization of Phenylaminopyridine Bisphosphonates Binding to Human Farnesyl Pyrophosphate Synthase PLoS ONE 2017, 12(10), e0186447, 1-13 Read PDF...
  17. Jaeok Park, Chun Yuen Leung, Alexios N. Matralis, Cyrus M. Lacbay, Michail Tsakos, Guillermo Fernandez De Troconiz, Albert M. Berghuis, Youla S. Tsantrizos*
    Pharmacophore Mapping of Thienopyrimidine=Based Monophosphonate (ThP-MP) Inhibitors of the Human Farnesyl Pyrophosphate Synthase.
    J. Med. Che. 2017 , ASAP
  18. Shi-Guang Li, Zhengxu S. Han, Peter Viereck, Heewon Lee, Dmitry Kurouski, Chris H. Senanayake, Youla S. Tsantrizos
    Metal-Free Cycloetherification by in Situ Generated P-Stereogenic α-Diazonium Intermediates: A Convergent Synthesis of Enantiomerically Pure Dihydrobenzooxaphospholes.
    Org. Lett. 2017, 19, 894-897 Read PDF...
  19. Jaeok Park, Michal Zielinski, Alexandr Magder, Youla S. Tsantrizos, Albert M. Berghuis*
    Human farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase is allosterically inhibited by its own product.
    Nature Commun. 2017, 8, 14132 Read PDF...
  20. Fader, L.D.; Bailey, M.D.; Beaulieu, E.; Bilodeau, F.; Bonneau, P.; Bousquet, Y.; Carson, R.; Chabot, C.; Coulombe, R.; Duan, J.; Fenwick, C.; Garneau, M.; Halmos, T.; Jakalian, A.; James, C.; Kawai, S.; Landry, S.; LaPlante, S.; Mason, S.; Morin, S.; Rioux, N.; Simoneau, B.; Surprenant, S.; Thavonekham, B.; Thibeault, C.; Trinh, T.; Tsantrizos, Y.S.; Tsoung, J.; Yoakim, C.; Wernic, D.
    Aligning potency and pharmacokinetic properties for pyridine-based NCINIs.
    ACS Med. Chem. Lett. 2016, 7, 797-801 Read PDF...
  21. Alexios N. Matralis and Youla S. Tsantrizos
    Synthesis of Benzothiophene-Containing 10- and 11-Member Cyclic Phostones
    Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2016, 22, 3728-3736 Read PDF...
  22. Daniel D. Waller, Gregor Jansen, Makan Golizeh, Chloe Martel-Lorion, Kurt Dejgaard, John Mancuso, Youla S. Tsantrizos, Rene Roy, Michael Sebag, Lekha Sleno, David Y. Thomas
    A covalent cysteine-targeting kinase inhibitor of Ire1 permits allosteric control of endoribonuclease activity.
    ChemBioChem 2016, 17, 1-10 Read PDF...
  23. Youla S. Tsantrizos
    Synthetic Challenges in the Assembly of Macrocyclic HCV NS3/4A Protease Inhibitors: The Case of BILN 2061 and its Analogs Synthesis of Heterocycles in Contemporary Medicinal Chemistry Synthesis of Heterocycles in Contemporary Medicinal Chemistry
    Springer, 2016; DOI: 10.1007/7091_2015_184  Read PDF...
  24. Gritzalis Dimitrios, Park Jaeok, Chiu Wei, Cho Hyungjun, Lin Yih-Shyan, De Schutter Joris W., Lacbay Cyrus M., Zielinski Michal, Berghuis Albert M., Tsantrizos Youla S.
    Probing the molecular and structural elements of ligands binding to the active site versus an allosteric pocket of the human farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase
    Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2015 25(5), 1117-1123 Read PDF...
  25. Keith R. Fandrick, Wenjie Li, Yongda Zhang, Wenjun Tang, Joe Gao, Sonia Rodriguez, Nitinchandra D. Patel, Diana C. Reeves, Jiang-Ping Wu, Sanjit Sanyal, Nina Gonnella, Bo Qu, Nizar Haddad, Jon C. Lorenz, Kanwar Sidhu, June Wang, Shengli Ma, Nelu Grinberg, Heewon Lee, Youla S. Tsantrizos, Marc-André Poupart, Carl A. Busacca, Nathan K. Yee, Bruce Z. Lu, and Chris H. Senanayake
    Concise and Practical Asymmetric Synthesis of a Challenging Atropisomeric HIV Integrase Inhibitor.
    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015 54, 7144-7148 Read PDF...
  26. Olga Moiseeva, Frédéric Lessard, Mariana Acevedo-Aquino, Mathieu Vernier, Youla S. Tsantrizos and Gerardo Ferbeyre
    Mutant lamin A links prophase to a p53 independent senescence program
    Cell Cycle 201514, 2408-2421. Read PDF...
  27. Cyrus M. Lacbay, John Mancuso, Yih-Shyan Lin, Nicholas Bennett, Matthias Gotte and Youla S. Tsantrizos.
    Modular Assembly of Purine-Like Bisphosphonates as Inhibitors of HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase.
    J. Med. Chem. 2014ASAP Read PDF...
  28. Yongda Zhang , Bruce Z. Lu , Guisheng Li, Sonia Rodriguez , Jonathan Tan , Han-Xun Wei, Jianxiu Liu, Frank Roschangar, Fei Ding, Wenyi Zhao, Bo Qu, Diana Reeves, Nelu Grinberg, Heewon Lee, Golo Heckmann, Oliver Niemeier, Michael Brenner, Youla Tsantrizos, Pierre L. Beaulieu, Azad Hossain, Nathan Yee, Vittorio Farina , and Chris H. Senanayake
    A Highly Concise and Convergent Synthesis of HCV Polymerase Inhibitor Deleobuvir (BI 207127): Application of a One-Pot Borylation–Suzuki Coupling Reaction.
    Org. Lett. 2014ASAP Read PDF...
  29. LeeD.Fader, RebekahCarson, Seb́astienMorin, Franco̧isBilodeau, CatherineChabot, TedHalmos, Murray D. Bailey, Stephen H. Kawai, René Coulombe, Steven Laplante, Kevork Mekhssian, Araz Jakalian, Michel Garneau, Jianmin Duan, Stephen W. Mason, Bruno Simoneau, Craig Fenwick, Youla Tsantrizos, and Christiane Yoakim.
    Minimizing the Contribution of Enterohepatic Recirculation to Clearance in Rat for the NCINI Class of Inhibitors of HIV
    ACS Med. Chem. Lett., 2014, 5, 711–716 Read PDF...
  30. LeeD.Fader,*EricMalenfant,MathieuParisien, RebekahCarson, Franco̧isBilodeau, SergeLandry, MarcPesant, ChristianBrochu, Seb́astienMorin, CatherineChabot, TedHalmos, YvesBousquet, Murray D. Bailey, Stephen H. Kawai, René Coulombe, Steven LaPlante, Araz Jakalian, Punit K. Bhardwaj, Dominik Wernic, Patricia Schroeder, Ma'an Amad, Paul Edwards, Michel Garneau, Jianmin Duan, Michael Cordingley, Richard Bethell, Stephen W. Mason, Michael Bös, Pierre Bonneau, Marc-André Poupart, Anne-Marie Faucher, Bruno Simoneau, Craig Fenwick, Christiane Yoakim, and Youla Tsantrizos.*
    Discovery of BI 224436, a Noncatalytic Site Integrase Inhibitor (NCINI) of HIV‐1
    ACS Med. Chem. Lett. 2014, 5, 422−427 Read PDF...
  31. Craig Fenwick,* Máan Amad, Murray D. Bailey, Richard Bethell, Michael Bös,* Pierre Bonneau, Michael Cordingley, René Coulombe, Jianmin Duan, Paul Edwards, Lee D. Fader, Anne-Marie Faucher, Michel Garneau, Araz Jakalian, Stephen Kawai, Louie Lamorte, Steven LaPlante, Laibin Luo, Steve Mason,* Marc-André Poupart,* Nathalie Rioux, Patricia Schroeder, Bruno Simoneau, Sonia Tremblay, Youla Tsantrizos,* Myriam Witvrouw, Christiane Yoakim.
    Preclinical Profile of BI 224436, a Novel HIV-1 Non-Catalytic-Site Integrase Inhibitor
    Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 2014, 58, 3233-3244 Read PDF...
  32. Jaeok Park, Alexios N. Matralis, Albert M. Berghuis and Youla S. Tsantrizo.s*
    Human isoprenoid synthase enzymes as therapeutic targets
    Front. Chem. 2014, 2, 5764−5776 Read PDF...
  33. Joris W. De Schutter, Jaeok Park, Chun Yuen Leung, Patrick Gormley, Yih-Shyan Lin, Zheping Hu, Albert M. Berghuis, Judes Poirier, and Youla S. Tsantrizos.*
    Multistage Screening Reveals Chameleon Ligands of the Human Farnesyl Pyrophosphate Synthase: Implications to Drug Discovery for Neurodegenerative Diseases
    J. Med. Chem. 2014, 57, 5764−5776 Read PDF...
  34. Steven R. LaPlante,* Michael Bos, Christian Brochu, Catherine Chabot, Rene Coulombe, James R. Gillard, Araz Jakalian, Martin Poirier, Jean Rancourt, Timothy Stammers, Bounkham Thavonekham, Pierre L. Beaulieu, George Kukolj, Youla S. Tsantrizos*
    Conformation-Based Restrictions and Scaffold Replacements in the Design of HCV Polymerase Inhibitors: Discovery of Deleobuvir (BI 207127)
    J. Med. Chem. 2013, Ahead of Print; Manuscript ID: jm-2013-011862 Read PDF...
  35. Chun Yuen Leung, Jaeok Park, Joris W. De Schutter, Michael Sebag, Albert M. Berghuis, Youla S. Tsantrizos*
    Thienopyrimidine Bisphosphonate (ThPBP) Inhibitors of the Human Farnesyl Pyrophosphate Synthase – Optimization and Characterization of the Mode of Inhibition.
    J. Med. Chem. 2013, 56, 7939-7950 Read PDF...
  36. C.-Y. Leung, A. M. Langille, J. Mancuso, Y. S. Tsantrizos*
    Discovery of thienopyrimidine-based inhibitors of the human farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase – Parallel synthesis of analogs via a trimethylsilyl ylidene intermediate.
    Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2013, 21, 2229-2240. Read PDF...
  37. T.A. Stammers, * R. Coulombe, J. Rancourt, B. Thavonekham, G. Fazal, S. Goulet, A. Jakalian, D. Wernic, Y. S. Tsantrizos, M.-A. Poupart, M. Bös, G. McKercher, L. Thauvette, G. Kukolj, P.L. Beaulieu.
    Discovery of a novel series of non-nucleoside thumb pocket 2 NS5B polymerase inhibitors
    Bioorg. Med. Chem, Lett. 2013, 23, 2585-2589. Read PDF...
  38. J. Park, Y.-S. Lin, Y. S. Tsantrizos, A.M. Berghuis
    Ternary complex structures of human farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase bound with a Novel inhibitor and secondary ligands provide insights into the molecular details of the enzyme's active site closure BMC Structural Biology 2012, 12, 32.Read PDF...
  39. J. W. De Schutter, Joseph Shaw, Y.-S. Lin, Y. S. Tsantrizos
    Design of Potent Bisphosphonate Inhibitors of the Human Farnesyl Pyrophosphate Synthase via Targeted Interactions with the Active Site "Capping" Phenyls
    Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2012, 20, 5583-5591. Read PDF...
  40. Y.-S. Lin, J. Park, J. W. De Schutter, X. F. Huang, A. M. Berghuis, M. Sebag, Y. S. Tsantrizos
    Design and Synthesis of Active Site Inhibitors of the Human Farnesyl Pyrophosphate Synthase - Apoptosis and Inhibition of ERK Phosphorylation in Multiple Myeloma Cells
    J. Med. Chem. 2012, 55, 3201-3215. Read PDF...
  41. P.L. Beaulieu, M. Bös, M.G. Cordingley, C. Chabot, G. Fazal, M. Garneau, J.R. Gillard, Y.S. Tsantrizos, J. Duan G. Kukolj
    Discovery of the first Thumb Pocket 1 NS5B polymerase inhibitor (BILB 1941) with demonstrated antiviral in patients chronically infected with genotype 1 hepatitis C virus (HCV)
    J. Med. Chem. 2012, 55, 7650-7666. Read PDF...
  42. P.L. Beaulieu, C. Chabot, J. Duan, M. Garneau, J.R. Gillard, E. Jolicoeur, M. Poirier, M.-A. Poupart, T.A. Stammers, G. Kukolj, Y.S. Tsantrizos
    Indole 5-carboxamide Thumb Pocket I inhibitors of HCV NS5B polymerase with nanomolar potency in cell-based subgenomic replicons (part 2): central amino acid linker and right-hand-side SAR studies
    Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2011, 21, 3664. Read PDF...
  43. Joris W. De Schutter, Serge Zaretsky, Sarah Welbourn, Arnim Pause, Youla S.Tsantrizos
    "Novel Bisphosponate Inhibitors of the Human Farnesyl Pyrophosphate Synthase"
    Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett 2010, 20, 5781-5786. Read PDF...
  44. S. R. LaPlante, A. Jakalian, N. Aubry, J.R. Gillard, R. Coulombe, C. Brochu, Y. Tsantrizos, M. Poirier, G. Kukolj, P.L. Beaulieu
    The Importance of Ligand Bioactive Conformation in the Discovery of Potent Indole-diamide
    Inhibitors of the Hepatitis C Virus NS5B.
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 15204-15212. Read PDF...
  45. Y. S. Tsantrizos
    TMC-435, a NS3/4A Protease Inhibitor for the Treatment of HCV Infections
    Current Opinion in Investigational Drugs 2009, 10, 871-881.
  46. Y. S. Tsantrizos
    Peptidomimetic Therapeutic Agents Targeting the Protease Enzyme for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Hepatitis C Virus.
    Acc. Chem. Res. 2008, 41, 1252-1263. Read PDF...
  47. Y. S. Tsantrizos, J.-M. Ferland, A. McClory, M. Poirier, V. Farina, N. K. Yee, X.-J. Wang, N. Haddad, X. Wei, J. Xu, L. Zhang
    Olefin ring-closing metathesis as a powerful tool in drug discovery and development-potent macrocyclic inhibitors of the hepatitis C virus NS3 protease.
    J. Organomet. Chem. 2006, 691, 5163-5171. Read PDF...
  48. M. Poirier, N Aubry, C. Boucher, J.-M. Ferland, S. LaPlante, Y. S. Tsantrizos
    RCM of Tripeptide Dienes Containing a chiral Vinylcyclopropane Moiety: Impact of Different Ru-Based Catalysts on the Stereochemical Integrity of the Macrocyclic Product.
    J. Org. Chem. 2005, 70, 10765-10773.Read PDF...
  49. L. D. Fader and Y. S. Tsantrizos
    Modifications of Peptide Nucleic Acid (PNA) Monomers as a Strategy for Modulating the Physicochemical and Pharmacokinetic Properties of PNA Oligomers.
    Chemica Oggi / Chemistry Today. 2005, 23, 40-44.
  50. N. Goudreau, C. Brochu, D. R. Cameron, J.-S. Duceppe, A.-M. Faucher, J.-M. Ferland, C. Grand-Maitre, M. Poirier, B. Simoneau, Y. S. Tsantrizos*
    Potent Inhibitors of the Hepatitis C Virus NS3 Protease: Design and Synthesis of Macrocyclic Substrate-Based beta-Strand Mimics.
    J. Org. Chem. 2004, 69, 6185-6201.
  51. Y. S. Tsantrizos
    The Design of a Potent Inhibitor of the Hepatitis C Virus NS3 Protease: BILN2061-from the NMR Tube to the Clinic.
    Biopolymers: Pept. Scie. 2004, 76, 309-323. Read PDF...
  52. P. L. Beaulieu and Y. S. Tsantrizos
    Inhibitors of the HCV NS5B Polymerase: New Hopes for the Treatment of Hepatitis C Infections.
    Curr. Opin. Investig. Drugs. 2004, 5, 838-850.
  53. S. LaPlante, A. Jakalian, N. Aubry, Y. Bousquet, J.-M. Ferland, J. Gillard, S. Lefebvre, M. Poirier, Y. S. Tsantrizos, G. Kukolj, P.L. Beaulieu
    Binding Mode of Benzimidazole Inhibitors of the Hepatitis C Virus RNA Polymerase.
    Angew Chem. Int. Ed. 2004, 43, 4306-4311. Read PDF...
  54. A.-M. Faucher , M.D. Bailey, P.L. Beaulieu, C. Brochu, J.-S. Duceppe, J.-M. Ferland, M. Garneau, E. Ghiro, V. Gorys, T. Halmos, S. H. Kawai, M. Poirier, B. Simoneau, Y. S. Tsantrizos, M. Llinas-Brunet
    Synthesis of BILN 2061, an HCV NS3 Protease Inhibitor with Proven Antiviral Effect in Humans.
    Org. Lett. 2004, 6, 2901-2904. Read PDF...
  55. M. Llinas-Brunet , M.D. Bailey, G. Bolger, C. Brochu, A.-M. Faucher, J.-M. Ferland, M. Garneau, E. Ghiro, V. Gorys, C. Grand-Maitre, T. Halmos, N. Lapeyre-Paquette, F. Liard, M. Poirier, M. Rhéaume, Y.S. Tsantrizos, D. Lamarre
    Structure-Activity Study on a Novel Series of Macrocyclic Inhibitors of the Hepatitis C Virus NS3 Protease Leading to the Discovery of BILN 2061.
    J. Med. Chem. 2004, 47, 1605-1608.
  56. L.D. Fader, E.L. Myers and Y.S. Tsantrizos
    Synthesis of Novel Analogs of Aromatic Peptide Nucleic Acids (APNAs) with Modified Conformational and Electronic Properties.
    Tetrahedron 2004, 60, 2235-2246.
  57. D. Lamarre, P. Anderson, M. Balley, P. Beaulieu, G. Bolger, P. Bonneau, M. Bös, D.R.Cameron, M. Cartier, M.G. Cordingley, A.-M. Faucher, N. Goudreau, S. Kawai, G. Kukolj, L. Lagacé, S.R. LaPlante, H. Narjes, M.-A. Poupart, J. Rancourt, R.E. Sentjens, R. St George, B. Simoneau, G. Steimann, D. Thibeault, Y.S. Tsantrizos, S.M. Weldon, C.-L. Yong, M. Llinàs-Brunet
    An NS3 Protease Inhibitor with Antiviral Effects in Humans Infected with Hepatitis C Virus.
    Nature 2003, 426, 186-189. Read PDF...
  58. Y.S. Tsantrizos, G. Bolger, P. Bonneau, D.R. Cameron, N. Goudreau, G. Kukolj, S.R. LaPlante, M. Llinas-Brunet, H. Nar, D. Lamarre
    Macrocyclic Inhibitors of the NS3 Protease as Potential Therapeutic Agents of Hepatitis C Virus Infection.
    Angew Chem. Int. Ed. 2003, 42, 1355-1360. Read PDF...
  59. L.D. Fader and Y.S. Tsantrizos
    Hybridization Properties of Aromatic Peptide Nucleic Acids: A Novel Class of Oligonucleotide Analogues.
    Org. Lett. 2002, 4, 63-66. Read PDF...
  60. M.-A. Poupart, D.R. Cameron, C. Chabot, E. Ghiro, N. Goudreau, S. Goulet, M. Poirier and Y.S. Tsantrizos
    Solid-Phase Synthesis of Peptidomimetic Inhibitors for the Hepatitis C Virus NS3 Protease
    J. Org. Chem. 2001, 66, 4743-4751. Read PDF...
  61. L.D. Fader, M. Boyd and Y.S. Tsantrizos
    Backbone Modifications of Aromatic Peptide Nucleic acids (APNA) Monomers and Their Hybridization Properties with DNA and RNA.
    J. Org, Chem. 2001, 66, 3372-3379. Read PDF...
  62. Y. S. Tsantrizos and X.-S. Yang
    Macrolide and Polyether Polyketides: Biosynthesis and Molecular Diversity in Recent Advances in Phytochemistry, v 34: Evolution of Metabolic Pathways ed J.T. Romeo.
    Elsevier Science Ltd, 2000; pp 91-107. Read PDF...
  63. Y.S. Tsantrizos, X.-S. Yang and A. McClory
    Studies on the Biosynthesis of the Fungal Metabolite Oudenone. 2. Synthesis and Enzymatic Cyclization of an alpha-Diketone Open-Chain Precursor into oudenone in cultures of Oudemansiella radicata.
    J. Org. Chem. 1999, 64, 6609-6614. Read PDF...
  64. Y.S. Tsantrizos, J. Shen and L.A. Trimble
    Biosynthetic Origin of the Tetrahydropyranyl Side Chain of Verucopeptin.
    Tetrahedron Lett. 1997, 38, 7033-7036. Read PDF...
  65. Y.S. Tsantrizos, W. Chew, L.D. Colebrook and F. Sauriol
    Synthesis of a Novel 1,4-Bridged Calix[8]arene "Host" Cavity.
    Tetrahedron Lett. 1997, 38, 5411-5414. Read PDF...
  66. Y.S. Tsantrizos, J. F. Lunetta , M. Boyd, L.D. Fader and M.-C. Wilson
    Stereoselective Synthesis of a Thymine Derivative of (S)-2-Hydroxy-4-(2-aminophenyl)butanoic acid; a Novel Building Block for the Synthesis of Aromatic Peptidic Nucleic Acid (APNA) Oligomers.
    J. Org. Chem. 1997, 62, 5451-5457. Read PDF...
  67. T. Alexakis, P.G. Tsantrizos, Y.S. Tsantrizos and J.-L. Meunier
    The Synthesis of Fullerenes via the Thermal Plasma Dissociation of Hydrocarbons.
    App. Phys. Lett. 1997, 70, 2102-2104.
  68. D.E. Cane and Y.S. Tsantrizos
    Aristolochene Synthase. Elucidation of the Cryptic Germacrene A Synthase Activity using the Anomalous Substrate Dihydrofarnesyl Diphosphate.
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1996, 118, 10037-10040.
  69. D.E. Cane, Q. Xue, J.E. Van Epp and Y.S. Tsantrizos
    Enzymatic Formation of Isochamigrene, a Novel Sesquiterpene, by Alteration of the Aspartate-Rich Region of Trichodiene Synthase.
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1996, 118, 8499-8500.
  70. Y.S. Tsantrizos, S. Pischos and F. Sauriol
    Structural Assignment of the Peptide Antibiotic LP237-F8, a Metabolite of Tolypocladium geodes.
    J. Org. Chem. 1996, 61, 2118-2121.
  71. Y.S. Tsantrizos, S. Pischos, P. Widden and F. Sauriol
    Peptaibol Metabolites of Tolypocladium geodes.
    Can. J. Chem. 1996, 74, 165-172.
  72. Y.S. Tsantrizos, F. Zhou, P. Famili and X.-S. Yang
    Biosynthesis of the Hypotensive Metabolite Oudenone by Oudemansiella radicata. Part I. Intact Incorporation of a Tetraketide Chain Elongation Intermediate.
    J. Org. Chem. 1995, 60, 6922-6929.
  73. Y.S. Tsantrizos
    Bioactive Metabolites of The Genus Phomopsis In Studies in Natural Products Chemistry (Structure and Chemistry).
    Atta-ur-Rahman (Ed.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1995, vol. 15, pp. 341-360.
  74. T. Alexakis, Y.S. Tsantrizos, J.L. Meunier and P.G. Tsantrizos
    The Plasma Production of Fullerenes. 12th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, 1995. Proceedings vol. III, pp. 1177-1182. Sponsored by The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry & Co-sponsored by The American Physical Chemistry Society.
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